Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Some facts about HIV and AIDS and suggestions on what we may do

HIV/AIDS: The numbers are shocking: According to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) more than 30 million people are HIV positive. Every year around two million people die of AIDS. More than 11 million children worldwide have lost one or both parents to the illness.
Financing: Among other countries and organisations, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in collaboration with the German Development Service (DED)are working together towards managing the consequencies of HIV and AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. AIDS is threatening both the social and economic development of an entire continent.
HIV/AIDS, education, health Social Development:Every person on our earth has the right to social security. They have the right to the protection of the family, an appropriate standard of living and sufficient health care. These basic rights are not guaranteed by our moral framework alone.
Cooperation with Africa:countries to take their development into their own hands. And yet: Africa continues to battle poverty, crises and conflicts. Natural catastrophes, poor governance and the HIV/AIDS pandemic limit reform processes in many African nations. A great deal still has to be done if the Millennium Development Goals are to be met.
Strengthening the health care system in Africa: from shortages of personnel, laboratory equipment, money and know-how. And this in a region with the worldwide highest number of people infected with HIV/AIDS and where Malaria and Tuberculosis push hospitals to capacity limits. In order to effect change, trained personnel are needed to develop reforms, and pass...
Education: there is also need to support various African partners in structural reforms that improve the long-term quality of education and sector management in their countries. This particularly applies to the areas of educational quality, budget management, HIV/Aids, and peace education.
It is also important to support continuing improvement of national health care systems through capacity building. Central Asia has thus far escaped the devastation of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, but new infections have increased at an alarming rate over the past few years. In order to create better conditions for prevention.
Our Topics Education in Health, HIV/AIDS, Social Security, Environment and Food Sustainable development must ensure that natural resources are used carefully and sparingly.
Statistics: The success of reforms is measurable. Numbers and data show how the advantages of new structures and processes have affected development in a country economically, socially and in civil society. Sustainable policies can only be built on reliable information. But administrative data collection tends to be less advanced.

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